Mini Vacation at the Falls! (p)

The young woman watched Range leap into the water, his body sinking under the rush of the waterfall quickly. Grinning, she waded in a bit further, balancing her small foot pads on the large mossy rocks. A few times she slipped and slid, but overall it was easy to keep balanced and not go flopping into the cold pool. When he surfaced, sputtering and gasping for breath, then asked if she was going to follow him...she jumped. Her little body made a small splash, sinking down under the water. Keeping her eyes opened, she scanned the bottom of the large pond, taking in the rocks, fish and plants.

After coming up for a big breath and a smile at Range, she dunked back under and swam towards the bottom, holding her breath tightly in her chest. Reaching down with her hands, she sank her fingers into the bottom and closed her fists together before shooting back up towards the top. Breaking through, she gasped as well and kicked towards the shore. Without using her hands, she somehow squirmed her body up onto dry ground and opened her hands, letting all of the stuff in her hands fall onto a mostly flat rock.

"Oooh!" Her body wriggled around in excitement, tail whipping back and forth quickly. Curling over, she got her face really close to the rock and scanned the pieces of smaller rocks, bones, and plants. Somehow she had collected quite a bit of pretty things in just two handfuls of silt from the bottom of the pond. Turning around, she waved her arms and called for Range in a broken voice, pointing down at her find and clapping her hands together.

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