Mini Vacation at the Falls! (p)
While looking down at the pile of jump, she poked at it with her fingers, separating her favorite rocks and objects from the others. There were a few colorful rocks of all different sizes, along with some fish bones and odd looking water plants. The most shocking thing, though, was the glint of silver at the bottom of the pile. Gasping, Tawny picked it up between to fingers and swished it around in the shallow water, rinsing the dirt and grime away. Upon pulling her hand back up, she could see that the silver was shaped in a circle, a ring of some sort.

Grinning, the small female slid the ring down over her smallest finger and wiggled her hand in Range's direction. There was a little section at the top of the ring that looked like it may have been broken, as if something was missing from it. Frowning, she reached out and grabbed a smaller rock in her free and and brought it up, grinding the top against the silver. Within moments the jagged edge on the metal was rubbed away, setting it back into a smooth, polished look.

"So pretty..." Her voice was soft and reverent as she stroked the ring for a few moments before diverting her attention back down to the rocks. Glancing up at the male, she looked at his eyes for a few moments, blinking. There were two pretty rocks that looked just like his bi-colored eyes! Smiling slowly, she picked up the rocks and nodded slowly, reaching out and showing him. "I m-make you a pretty, 'kay?"

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