I will never see the [Sky] the same way
((Baaaw. Cute! ^^; BTW: [html]this[/html] is the song he's singing for her. LOL WC:3+))

She put the box with its necklace in her pocket. In a move that surprised the male, she touched her nose to his, a sweet and simple kiss. His face warmed again. Her words startled him, made him suddenly wonder if there was more to it. "If that's what you want, than I'll gladly be your courted. It won't be an easy task, though, Tal. Shawchert's been sending me gifts and flowers every day." Her voice was a soft purr. Part of him, a cynical and largely unused part of his mind, wondered if she was trying to play the two off of each other.

Instead, he spoke without thought. "Sky, I don't presume to know everything about you...but the kind of woman you are, you would much rather have them planted in your yard and around your house, than to have to put them in a vase and watch them wither and die." He smiled down at her, taking her hand shyly. "But if flowers are what you want, then I would gladly plant them for you to admire everyday. As for gifts... I'm no craftsman... but I would give you the moon if that is what you wanted."

He lifted his hand to her cheek, stroking it lightly with a thumb if she didn't pull away from him. He bit his lip for a moment, then sang a song his mother had often sung, back before her dark days. His voice was soft, but earnest, with distant tones of the Irish lilt his mother had in her voice. "Come over the hills my bonny Irish lass... Come over the hills to your darling. You choose the road love and I'll make a vow... That I'll be your true love forever...
Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows.. Fair is the lily of the valley.. Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne... But my love is fairer than any..."
He let his voice trail off, his thumb still lightly stroking her cheek.

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