They All Fall Down

Couldn't resist! Had to meet this epic dude. ^_^ WC: 300+

She had taken notice to him through his tracks. They were light almost elegant in nature, a true hunter’s walk. He was tracking what she had noticed a few yards back before she realized someone else was on the trail. She had inhaled the scent allowing her mind to click into recognition. He was of her pack; even though he was one of them it was obvious he was most likely skilled. She quickly followed behind pausing momentarily to the loud call of a female in heat. It was strange… almost off so she headed toward it. Then his scent became stronger his figure became apparent in the distance. It was obvious that he knew she was there, it was just another peg to the amount of experience and skill this male had. She nodded a greeting as she sided next to him.

She knew not to speak, not to move heavy, she had been well trained in her own right though her experience was limited. She glanced over him and awed at his markings, his spear and his general posture. She noticed the strange looking object around his neck… it tickled the back of her memory but for that moment she was not sure as to what it was. As she unsheathed her bow the huntress nodded toward the call whistle in the common hunter gestures that she was accustomed to when paired. She knew he would understand, from the moment she saw his tracks she knew she was dealing with someone who actually knew the ways. Her voice would most likely not leave her throat until the hunt was done. She just hoped that she got to be a part of it… but watching was also a great learning experience. It was through watching that she learned much of her skill. It was her natural talent that made her able to follow through.

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