I will never see the [Sky] the same way

WC:000+ - Pretty song~ Big Grin

Finally, a man who knew his herbology. Sky couldn't help but appreciate his attention to detail and his longing to make her happy. She kept quiet as he spoke, smiling and humming softly to herself in approval, her tail flicking unevenly behind her and those cool blue eyes calm and steady, happy even. When he took her hand, she glanced down, happy with how easy it felt to relax into the touch. He was shy and for once, Sky felt that to be a good quality; it meant he had a moral code and a good head on his shoulders.

Then he brought her attention back to his eyes and she smiled, leaning into the hand on her cheek and closing her eyes, surprised to hear music dancing in the air as her new court started to sing. Only in D'Arte could one enjoy something as simple as a song in public. When he faded into silence, she opened her eyes curiously.

You have a good voice, Tal. A compliment, coming from the little songbird. Don't get me gifts to impress me. It won't work. She murmured, taking a step back but pulling his hand with her. I much prefer a more personal approach... spend time with me. Sing to me. Show me that you're attentive and in this for more than just a one night stand. If he came with her when she pulled, she'd smile, an expression that shone in her eyes naturally. Come inside and have something to eat, some tea. Make yourself at home.

Oh wow, for the first time since the snow storm Sky was letting someone make themself comfortable in her house. Tal was certainly someone special.

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