Fighting in a world not his own
Rain smiled as one of the Guardians came up to him. He kneeled before him before standing and explaining to him his needs despite his German accent. " I hast called you here because ich have no weapon training. Can du show me ow to use a Bow and a Staff? These people do not know respeect and they attack without regard. Teach me your ways so I can handle them," he said to the older Guardian. That woman would pay for her disrespect one way or another and he couldn't wait to harm her again.

He smiled at the thought of bringing the woman whom he had found out was named Shiloh to Maska and having her publicly humiliated by having her rank stripped from her. He knew she would fight him and he planned on showing her just how strong he was and that her disrespect was not wanted. He knew where to find her and knew she was taking care of one of the packs healers and her pups. He also knew from spying that she had a mate, also a female. Shiloh's mate was a huntress and a warrior and he knew she had power and would fight for her mate if she ever found out about what he had done to Shiloh. He wanted to fight her, prove that he was loyal to the great tribe and Maska.

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