Fighting in a world not his own
The younger male kneeled before him, showing Nahele due respect. While they were of the same rank, Nahele dominated him in experiance and practise. He stood once again, speaking and finding the english words just as strange to pronounce as Nahele did. It was a shame they didn't speak the same language, else they would have been away with their conversations. However, the tribesman carefully translated what the male said into his own language before drafting a response. "Nagoligvna, you have come to be a Guardian, yet you know nothing about weapons?" He asked, words sceptical and a little confused. Why on earth would anyone do that? Hania snorted softly from his perch atop Hele's head, invisible completely to those around him. He could feel the pity wash off of the spirit and down his own neck- Hania knew that Nahele could be terribly impatient when it came to those of less skill than he. His finger twitched under his bow string as the male thought about the years he'd spent perfecting his art. It wasnt going to take a day of training to get the male up to a standard Nahele considered 'good' but that wasnt exactly news. Aside from Shadi, he didnt find many others 'good' at what they did.

"I suppose there is nothing to be done about it, aside from training you." He commented with a grunt. Hania chose the moment to drop silkily down from his head, landing without a sound on the ground. He moved to a nearby tree stump, perching on it and licking the non-existent dirt from his front paws. Ignoring his guide, Nahele turned back to the stranger as he spoke of needing to 'handle' a female. Eyebrows pulled down as he thought of the insolent females in AniWaya, how disobedient they were. "And who would you need to be 'handling'?" He asked, dull gold eyes searching the males face to see if he could glean any more information from him than that he had already been given. Maska would want to know any any kinds of uprising in the ranks, no matter how minor.

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