They All Fall Down
Cool. I based Saxif beliefs of my own personal traditional beliefs. Basically things I learn from elders or fellow ojibwe peoples. I am still sort of new to my traditional heritage. Her home pack is kind of based off my reserve's past, how some traditions stay alive but slowly they are becoming lost to a new type of religion. Saxif obviously follows the old ways.

Saxif could see from his expression that his traditions very much came close to that of her tribe. He looked as her father and uncles had on what was meant to be the huntress’s first and only hunt. It was true she would most likely have been the only female of her tribe to become a hunter. In fact she had made sure of it with escape. She didn’t mind his look she was use to it. Though if given the opportunity she would prove her heart was that of his own. That her spirit was that of a true hunter, her grandmother had seen it since the day she was born.

When the moose entered the slight clearing she pulled two arrows from her quiver. She held one in her teeth as she notched the first. Her aim was true striking through the ribs with impressive force quickly followed by another to his front flank to slow his impending escape. The elder hunter seemed perfectly positioned for the charge. She knew she missed the heart for the beast would have collapsed before coming upon the beast but maybe she collapsed a lung so even if he didn’t succeed they might get to trail him easily. She had said the hunter’s prayer as she always had when striking down an animal. Her silent prayer sent through her heart to the spirit of the moose.

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