Come together

His eyes felt heavy in their sockets as if he hadn’t had adequate sleep in days. Truth was he had been having a bit of trouble sleeping the past few nights. Somehow this one dream kept reoccurring and Pilot would seem to wake up in the middle of the night with a chill racing down his spine and an image of Dierdre’s comforting eyes floating in the night air. It was that which he thought about now, slowly making his way towards the city where all the leaders had been called to. He knew he would probably be one of the last to arrive since he had failed to shift down to a faster set of four legs. It didn’t really concern the male much, though. It gave him time to think things over.

Lately he felt as if he had receded into himself. All of the progress he had made to overcome the fire and Dierdre’s disappearance seemed to have been lost. He had absorbed himself in learning medicine, planted Shadowed Sun’s herb garden, then began to have these dreams and memories. He supposed he hadn’t been much of a leader lately. Maybe he should talk to Tayui about that. Either way, he knew what was going to be said at the meeting was probably very important. He just hoped they wouldn’t mind him being a bit late.


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