gravity rides everything [p]
SORRY FOR THE WAIT I SUCK SO HARD SOMETIMES x_x. and it’s a short post because I suck even harder than normal.

He was an enigma of sorts and she wasn’t sure how to react to the big scary man before her. Maggie was brave, but brave only when she wasn’t in actual danger; this man made her feel threatened and only added to her social anxiety so all she could do was clam up. Maggie became flustered, immaturely messing with the dirt beneath her paws in unease. He didn’t hurt her, though, and the girl let go of the tenseness in her body a little once she realized she wasn’t going to be beaten. Magnolia made a mental note to avoid him next time he came close to her, though.

“I was just walking on the stones, sir,” she said carefully, not interested in telling this ferocious stranger her troubles. “And Larkspur came for me because I was unhappy living where I was previously, that’s all. He didn’t exactly tell me to come to Salsola, but I came here anyway,” Short and to the point. She figured he’d appreciate the quick and undersized answers. Janos didn’t seem like the type to give a damn about girls, or their worrisome dilemmas for that matter.

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