Split life
Kavi? Who had taken over her mate's body? Why had they chosen Shiloh to steal from her? Her mind whirred with a new anger. Then as the creature that inhabited her mate's body went further she didn't know what to believe. She had heard of stories from her grandmother, stories of demons taking loved ones while near death but she also heard of souls splitting. She didn't know which one would hold true she never might believe either but in time they would see.

She startled at the knock, her heart panicked fast. Her brow furrowed in confusion as Shiloh spoke, she sounded as she should but Saxif was not sure. Then she heard the voice and relief washed over her. She rushed to the door opening it and sure enough her ears had not failed her. She threw her arms around the male she had met so many months before. Tal. It's so good to see you. She released Tal and looked into his eyes with worry. Come... something is wrong with her... something more than just her wounds. Her hysteria slightly risen since Shiloh had first spoke more so now that her body shook. She didn't know how else to describe what had happened. Her heart pounded with fear and she wanted to know why her mate was so strange. She wanted to know why she had the urge to pray in that moment. Something was just so very wrong and that was all she knew.

Saxif rushed inside to Shiloh's side. She was scared to touch her to look her in the eyes. She just started to talk differently... very unlike herself... she called herself Kavi. Her name is Shiloh. And now, now this. She didn't know what to do. Didn't know whether or not to be scared or relieved... scared for Shiloh or relieved her friend had arrived.

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