Split life
(([html]This[/html] is the stone chrysoprase. wc 5+))

He listened. His mother had frankly told him about something similar that had happened to her. She had been raped and almost killed. She'd lost all her memories of her friends and family. She was Leilani, instead of Deuce then. He'd done some minor research on it, enough to know it was a hard thing for a simple herbalist to treat, whether it was simple amnesia, or if it was something more serious like Multiple personalities or even a Soul split... He gave his best reassuring smile to Luna. "I am Taliesin. I will do what I can to help Shiloh...but I can't promise a miracle." The last was added softly, not to Saxif, but to Luna. A fellow healer would understand.

He adjusted his pack again, his tail laying against his legs. He'd thrown all the stones on his dresser into his jean pockets, unsure if or what ones might be needed. His ears folded back at seeing the marks on her body. The woman had been issued a severe beating, that much was for sure. He swallowed, then took a deep breath to steady himself. His face clouded over as he began assessing the damage. He spoke softly to her as he ran his gentle hands down her limbs, checking for broken bones. It wasn't that he didn't trust Luna's opinion, but it was always best to double check these things.

Luna's eye lids were drooping. Mis-matched eyes glanced at her and then Saxif, before returning to his exam of Shiloh. The wounds on the belly were bleeding again, as was evidenced by the blood on the female's fingers. He took a cloth from his pack, wetting it with some water from his canteen. He worked swiftly but thoroughly as he cleaned the wound. He reached into his pack again, then pulled out a small jar. He twisted the lid off, sniffing at it. He wrinkled his nose and put the lid back on. That was the burn ointment he'd made, not the one he was looking for. He pulled out a second jar. Opening the lid, he nodded to himself. He murmured a prayer to Rhiannon as he smeared the cream over the wound. The smell of honey filled his nose. Honey was one of the ingredients in this salve. Witch hazel, meadowsweet, and marigold were in it too, among others. It would help stop the bleeding and prevent infections.

He began rifling through his pockets, searching for a certain necklace. He was always giving them away to help packmates. He pulled out a silver necklace that had pieces of clear quartz and chrysoprase on it. He studied it for a moment, then handed it to her mate, Saxif. "This necklace will aid in both mental and physical healing. She needs to wear it." He knelt, emptying his pockets of his stones, searching for another piece. He smacked himself in the forehead as he remembered giving the rose quartz bracelet to Mya for the kitten. Picking through, he found a single piece of the polished pink quartz. He pressed it into Shiloh's hand. "This will also help with healing your physical wounds."

There wasn't too much he could do until Shiloh was awake enough to eat and drink. He busied himself setting a fire going in the fireplace in the corner so he could boil some water for a broth made from his deer jerky and some for a couple cups of tea. One to energize Luna, one to calm Saxif, and one for the general health of Shiloh.

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