They All Fall Down

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; What heritage is that? And yes, I know. The old ways are dieing out with the elders. The Cherokee are losing their language because it is the elders that namely have the knowledge and the younger generations no longer speak it. To me it is really sad that they are losing their culture.

It wasn't that he doubted her ability but worried for her safety instead. He had never known a woman to hunt before. Still, it wasn't his place to deny her this. Things were different here then they were back in his own tribe. To him this was just another difference that he would have to get used to. Even so he was still determined to do his best to keep her safe on this hunt. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't.

He watched the arrows fly and strike against the animal. The moose was able to continue on even though it stumbled. The male took that opportunity to release his spear and let ti fly as well. He quickly followed the weapon seeing it was the only thing that he had. The weapon had pierced the throat of the beast as it had stumbled and caused it to bleed out.

Showing that this clearly wasn't his first hunt of these large animals he made certain he would be in the way of flailing limbs and antlers as he quickly retrieved his spear. The weapon was pulled from the soft flesh and stabbed into the side of the fallen animal's chest in order to pierce the heart. He kept his distance during the death throes and bowed his head to whisper a silent prayer for the animal. The prayer was to thank the moose for giving its life so that the tribe might be fed.

When the animal had stilled the male once more retrieved his spear. He glanced into the direction where he had left the female to hide and nodded his head to indicate that it was safe now. Of course the hunt was over just yet. The carcass still needed to be transported back to village to that everyone might be able to feast. Sadly he didn't know anyone who would be able to help transport the large animal and so he figure it would be a slow process of dragging it with breaks interrupting any progress made.

Table by the Mentors!

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