remind me
we turned out the lights and we didn't just sleep

The dog mutt held out his hand for her to steady herself on when she rose from the bed, quickly sweeping her in a hug and kissing her forehead before she was able to put on her dress. He was happy about what was going to happen; he hoped she would love it and forgive him for being so distant from her as of late. While she dressed, he waited as patiently as he could, but he felt a nervous giddiness he had not felt in such a long time.

"Just come with me," he said again, taking her hand and leading her down the hall and out the front door. The journey was not a long one, but it felt like an eternity to him. He hoped she liked everything he had done to set up the field. As they drew nearer through the trees and he could see the clearing through the tall trunks, he smiled at her timidly. He could see the fireflies dancing over the flowers. "Right through the trees, after you, my lady," he said with a small bow.


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