Your bridges are burning down

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sorin; 385 words

Bravery was not leaping from cliffs where no danger was present. Bravery was staring into the face of a full grown wolf and standing one's ground when you were outmatched. This antic would receive no sort of praise from Symera because she viewed it in a different light than the boy did. But then again she didn't even see the boy as coyote. All she could smell was the wolf on the boy and couldn't even recognize a hint of coyote radiating from him. He didn't belong here in the slightest. The only thing he had earned was death to trespass in so far. Wouldn't Halo be so proud of her for slaying her first wolf because it had so stupidly lingered upon Inferni's ground? The small girl couldn't wait to drag back the corpse in order to show it off.

"It stinks." The girl repeated her earlier assessment of the situation. Such a stupid and stinky thing didn't deserve any more clarification than that. If it was too dense to figure it out on its own then it would never know because Symera wasn't about to explain herself. She figured that the stinky creatures should know just what they were just like Symmy knew exactly what she was. And actually Symera took proper care of her hygiene. Sure, she played with dead animals but she forced her dolls to take a bath and remain clean as well. After all she didn't want to become a stinky and so she wouldn't allow it of her dolls either.

The small girl stumbled back and fell over as she was shoved back against but she didn't let it get her down. Really it was a pitiful notion if you thought you were a warrior just because you could beat up someone smaller than yourself. That sounded more like a bully than a true warrior. It wasn't hard to be stronger than someone smaller than yourself. Still Symera didn't let that get her down. No, she got right back up again but with a growl this time. "Stinky needs a bath." The words were grumbled out as she was once again trying to push the larger boy into the water. Why should he develop a sudden aversion to it if he was just jumping into it moments before?

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