So hold on to the ones who really care

Word Count » 000

Ayita smiled as she was excited someone was intrested in books like she was. She felt like around here books were just not something that many read. She was raised with a high education. Reading and writing was something that was a must. After all a great leader was nothing with out education.

Ayita smiled Soran Aatte... You would not happen to be related to Haven Aatte would you? She asked. The thought was most likely and easy answer. She smiled as she tapped her book.

Othello the story of death and torment. The book was riddled with people going be hind one another. "Hmm Othello is about a man named Othello and his wife Desdemona. There's a lot of deceit and death. I have a second copy in english if you would like it. She said as she smiled.

Ayita was quite happy with the way that today had brought her. She looked at the dark woman who was with her this fine day. The sun was out and there was only a few clouds in the sky. Today was a very good day indeed. Here" She said digging her second book out of her bag.

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