What you see ain't what you get.
OoC: He's usually on all fours, so that's how I introduced him - I wasn't sure which form Firefly was in! ^^;


As the shadows lengthened toward the evening, Slay found himself wandering around aimlessly again. It hadn't been long since he'd returned to pack land - he'd spent quite some time in the neutral territories nearby, avoiding the new male in the pack, Haku. He still hadn't gotten up the motivation to confront their new beta, or Lilium, but atleast he was back in Dahlia de Mai. Had anything else occurred while he was out?

"Oh my... Well, good evening, milady, and how do you do?" he murmured with a mischievous grin, his pale eyes spotting the sleek feminine form lounging on the flat stone, framed by the overgrown wild grapes of the old vineyard. As always, his first thoughts were of flirting, when it came to the lovely ladies of Dahlia. And though faint, he could catch the scent of the pack on her - she was a new member? He knew nothing of her, and his natural curiosity was piqued. Not that he wasn't a gentleman, though. He would never try anything on the first encounter...

"You're new to these parts?" he asked, deliberately ignoring the pack scent to see how she would react. "You can call me Slay, if you like."


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