lost in my own backyard
At the sudden sound of a voice that interfered with her soft peaceful vibes the bronze and cream hued wolf drew herself up from her relaxed pose and turned around to gaze at the one who had so disturbed her plots and dreaming. Catching the faint scent of the other and by the discription of what another had spoke she realized that this bright eyes wee lady was the leader of their pack. She smiled softly as she relaxed again and perched on the edge of the slab as she gave the respected lady an answer to the questions she sought. "Dia Duit.. why, tis' the storm that brings me.." she said with a small chuckle. If the excitement of the storm hadn't slowly began to roll in she probably would have found a spot by now to have curled up in and taken a snooze, but the storm had fallen upon their little world and so she'd stayed.

Tilting her head to the side she grinned slightly and asked the lady before her the same thing. "What brings you out?" after a moment of silence she shook her head and gave the leader an apologetic look as she spoke. "I'm Firefly..." She hoped that Haku had spoken to the ivory lady before her about being received into the pack, because she really wasn't for certain what to say anymore. Staring at the soul before her she softly ran her finger under the torch that curled around her neck, the sign of royalty overseas, though hers was only allowable through having been adopted into the clan's family she still thought of her Irish family now and then and wondered where she brother had gone off after seeing the two sisters home to the coast.

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