Character Name: Leigha Willow
Character Birthdate: September 2nd, 2010
Gender: Female
Species: Eastern Timber Wolf
Is your character a Luperci?: yes
Other 'Souls Characters: none
How you found 'Souls?: my cousin (Raze)
Are you joining a pack?: Cercatori D'Arte
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: IC
Profile or three writing examples: I filled out my profile and I have two writing examples.

Sample 1:
Leigha woke up in the tent the traders had set up for keeping their goods safe and dry. As she stretched her stiff legs, she thought about the traders, how kind they have been towards her. She paused and thought about this for a moment. As she walked outside, the warmth of the bright sun beating down on her silvery coat, she took in her surroundings. The green grass covered the ground for miles ahead. To her left was the large dirt road the merchants and traders usually take on their way to the other packs.

She focused for a while, and after a few minutes, her legs got longer, her mane grew out to her shoulders, and she was standing much taller. After she had finished shifting into her optime form, she walked over to Archie, her Welsh cob stallion, and slung her arm around his neck.

“What do you think I should do boy?” Leigha asked as she rubbed the horse’s neck. She grew disappointed when Archie whinnied. She knew she would not understand him for a long time, if any time. Who was she kidding, Archie couldn’t help her. Or could he? His long whinny had given her an idea. She looked around for any sign of Mortimer, the leader of the group. He walked out of his tent in his optime form, stretching his arms up and yawning. A wide smile spread across Leigha’s face as she raced over to him. As she was running, she tripped over a log the traders had used as a bench. She hurled into him, knocking both of them hard to the ground.

“Mortimer I am so sorry I—”

He cut Leigha off. “Just forget it Leigha. What did you want?” Mortimer asked as he stood up and brushed the dirt off of his black fur.

“Well, I, I wanted to ask you something,” she stammered.

“And that is?” he asked, knowing Leigha would take forever to explain it.

“Well, I just wanted to ask you, since you took me in for a few days and everything, if I could give you something in return.” Leigha waited anxiously for a reply.

Mortimer sighed. “What do you want to give us?” he asked slowly.

“Well, I’m a decent singer. Could I maybe sing for you?” she asked. She truthfully would have sang even if he said no to her offer.

“I guess that would be a fair trade. Why don’t you wait in front of the fire pit while I go get the other men,” Mortimer said over his shoulder as he walked off towards the tent. Leigha’s eyes widened. She thought she was going to sing for just him, no one else.

Sample 2:
Everyone was gathered around the fire pit to watch Leigha sing. There were five traders in all. She knew she was ready to sing, but she just didn’t feel it inside of her. What was wrong with her; she always felt it! She tried to find that feeling she got: the feeling in her stomach, in her heart, and in her mind when she sang. She couldn’t find it before she had to start singing. As she sang, she felt a warm sensation in her stomach. Finally, she had found that feeling. She sang with all her might, as she went low, it sounded deep and soulful. When she went high, it sounded angelic. When she finished the crowd was silent.

Did I mess up somewhere?

Leigha’s heart started to thump hard. She was afraid her chest would burst. Her heart was thumping so hard she was afraid Mortimer would hear it. As she stood there in silence, she noticed that the traders were slightly slack-jawed.

Wait, they’re not bored, they’re… amazed!

After a few more moments of silence, Mortimer stood up and started to clap. The rest of the traders followed. Leigha felt a rush of happiness and relief surge through her. She had impressed them greatly. That was all that she wanted. Leigha felt content. She loved to sing. It was her life and she finally got to share her real talent with someone.

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