lost in my own backyard
She sat kicking her feet back and forth as she watched the leader alertly. A small smile played across her lips as she tilted her head to the side and wondered by in the world the lady was always out. Sure she was the packleader and was in charge of the whole lands.. but didn't she ever sleep, or curl up for a nice name in a den. Raising a brow she questioned, "Even in the rain?" She wasn't trying to be an ass, but she was unsure of if the lady was stalking her or just happened upon her.. she seemed to hint at the athority she had, always being out.

Shrugging her shoulders as she pushed the thoughts away the bronze tinted lady gazed at her feet as the woman before her seemed to chid her for the things she'd been doing. Her mother had always held a look of contempt at her little habits and need for the danger and thrills and she figured this lady might too, she did have that air about her. Murmuring quietly she gave an honest reply. "I'm sorry.. I just found it.. and I'd had it before overseas.. I didn't know.." if she could blush she would have been, her mother's scowlings had always had a lighthearted nanny nagging bit to them but Cercelee seemed to tower in her ways, though Firefly for the most part was just confused, obviously Haku had not answered to his own leader about accepting her into the lands. Raising her head a confused look passed across her face. She answered the ivory lady, "Haku brought me into the pack.." in more ways than one she thought to herself. She looked at her paws with guilt, hoping she hadn't got him in trouble. "He's not in trouble now is he? I'm not am I?" her accented voice had a touch of panic in it as she asked, though she was playing for the most part. She was cool and collected inside while she played the part, though she had no disrespect for her leader, just caught out of hand... She'd have to work on that...

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