[M]Hi, my name is Hellguh
ooc: +7

She was given a compliment that she didn't quite understand, for she had never heard the word that he had told her before. She took it as a compliment though and she gave him that bright and sexy smile that she had on her face most of the time that she was in the presence of this male. He seemed to bring the good out in her. Well, as good as she could get. She loved the attention he was giving to her as well, it was good, if only he would touch her in ways that were forbidden in some cultures. She wanted it though, and hoped that perhaps, one day, or today, that he would. She watched him closely though, still wondering what was going on behind those golden eyes that seemed to compliment his look rather nicely. She was curious about this male to say the least, and the more time that went on, the more prying she wanted to do into that skull of his.

The man would give her five knives and then speak of how she could keep them and how it was a thank you for entertaining him with the game they were about to play. Her tail wagged gently, and she let a small giggle come from her charming lips. ”Oh, sir you flatter me!" she spoke, and she fluttered her eye lashes before she had turned her face from him to look at her knives that she had been given by the male. ”Though I do know of games that will further entertain such a handsome male as yourself, if you would like to partake after this little game is over.” she spoke to him, her words inviting, and on the more sexual side of it all. She then took a knife in her hand and she looked at the target she already picked out before. The male also mentioned to her that she was adorable when she was upset, in which she did realize this, but she was never told it. She giggled lightly at the male and she shook her had lightly. ”Sir, you are just a man of many compliments!” she spoke, with that smile on her face as she glanced back at him for a second and then to the tree where she would be aiming to throw the knife.

Before she had thrown the knife, the male continued to speak to her, telling her some tips on how she would be able to get where she needed it to go. She glanced back at him when he was explaining what to do and she nodded her head at his question. She closed one eye and aimed with her left hand, her right on the handle of the knife she was holding in her hand, the others had been discarded at her feet until she needed them. She aimed as well as she could and then she pulled her hand back and then thrust it forward as hard as she could so that it would hit it's mark. Sadly, it did not hit it's target, but it was pretty close. It was about 7 inches away from where she had told him she was going to hit. She huffed, and puffed out her furry chest and her floppy ears were pulled back on her head. ”I'mma try again! Just hold it!” she spoke as she bent over , slowly and she had picked up her next knife, but she also was showing off her butt to the male just because she could which was why she was moving so slow. She then would move back up to an upright position and she would then proceed to do the same thing she did before, but she aimed higher this time. This blade had hit the tree, but it did not stick into the tree, instead it fell to the ground. She huffed and puffed again and proceeded to pick up another knife.

”Fuckin shit!” she spoke and hurled the next knife at the spot and to her luck, she hit it right on the dot. When she did this, she let her smile return to her face and she cooed excitedly about it. ”Okay! I got it, soooooo my question isss, What is your name?” she started off with that simple question, after this though, she was bound to come up with more creative questions.



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