Break It In

OOC: Hope you don't mind me coming in here :] I kinda need the threads with Panda.

Panda had been enjoying the outside of the caves since she had found out that she was not pregnant. She was happy in a way that she was not, simply because it would be a stress on her that she really didn't need at the moment. She was also a little bit sad because she though about how nice it would have been to have made Venom a father. She was also conflicted about it still because Venom himself was still very young, maybe they were not ready for children yet. She knew that Ouija would help them if they needed it though, because he could have also been the father of the children whom had never been. She was not alone today in her expedition into the forests of Anathema, for she had a companion whom seemed to have taken a fancy to the uniquely pelted girl. It was a feline whom Panda had met only a few days earlier with a solid gray pelt and wide yellow-green eyes. The feline was friendly with Panda, and had ended up following her back to the caves one afternoon when she had been out on a walk. Panda didn't mind the feline, and thus she had claimed the beast as her pet and then named him 'Octopus', for whatever twisted reason she had come up with in her mind. It wasn't like the cat seemed to mind all that much because she called it that and it still followed her and mewed it's cute little meow at her.

She'd stopped for a moment and inspected a log. She noticed that there was enough moisture in the log for things to grow so it made her curious. She looked inside of the log and found herself face to face with some psilocybin mushrooms. She had a few of these growing in her cave herself, and she had seen a few of them elsewhere but she was lucky to find them all the way out here. She smiled and then reached out and plucked them from the ground. She then would inspect them, but in the middle of doing that, she heard a scream, and then a whole bunch of birds started to fly through the forest and out of the trees that surrounded the scream. Panda's cropped ears fell back on her head, and the gray pelted feline had hissed and spat in the direction of the scream. As Furcas, a healer of Anathema, the scream attracted her. She needed to see if this scream was one that needed her help. She put her mushrooms she found in her bag and then she started to run towards the scream.

She would approach relatively quickly, and her feline had also hesitantly followed behind the black and white colored wolf. She looked at the male whom was sitting on the ground, and she cocked her head to the right and she lowered her bag to the ground and she extended a hand out to touch the male. Are you okay, sir? I heard your scream, and I'm the Furcas, the Healer of Anathema, I wanted to make sure you were okay.. the woman spoke, hoping that he was okay, for he didn't really look like he was hurt from what she could see.


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