I want my life

Even with the words Kansas had given him Alder did not feel his anger leave him completely. He had rested, eased his fear and had not gone to the borders of AniWaya and protest for the return of his mother. He thought about what her words would be. He knew that she would preach patience, faith in those that they had always believed in, faith in the pack. He knew Savina would right this wrong, he knew that the pack his mother had dedicated her life to would make this right. And bring her home. But he did not leave. After visiting the Manor he and 'Thorn had bedded beside the lake, for the stallion needed water and he needed grass. It was then that Alder had apologized again and again to the horse. He had even mourned, hoping that his friend would forgive him for pushing him so harshly during their ride from the Cours pack lands back to where he had been born.. The black horse had only accepted his cries and apologies and easily gave him forgiveness.

With the morning's light they had risen and with new found energy. The male took to the back of the horse and began to roam the Dreamer's landscape. There were two that he needed to see. He had look for his brothers in the large house they all shared, but he could find neither. Searching through the familiar grounds was easy, but Alder couldn't pick up a fresh sent. He headed towards the borders, mindset growing darker once again. The massive steed sensed his concern and as he had the night before grew just as agitated as his rider.

On the wind the scent of his fellow arbor named brother came to him, and he turned Hawthorn into the breeze and followed it. There was something there, like the Crimson Dreams pack scent had been worn away from his body, and the stench of something else remained. He knew this, for it had happened to his own fragrance when he had left. Alder kicked the sides of his horse, and pushed him to move more quickly.

The figure of the dark tawny male made the naturally timid male to call out, Cypress! Deep voice bellowing in one of Alder's rare outspoken moments.


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