Break It In

OOC: Hey Smile I don't mind at all.

Mido stared at the black and white female in shock for a moment; he didn’t expect to see anyone. She was crouched in front of him with a look of concern

and confusion on her face, asking if he was okay. With her she carried a bag that contained a peculiar scent. Mido didn’t notice the cat that hid partially

behind her before. With hair that stood on end, her follower gave him a glare that would kill if it could. He adjusted his eyes back to the Furcas who held

her hand on his arm. “I’m alright. Changing forms is rather painful for me, but thank you for your concern. I hope I didn’t take you way from anything

The Zepar apologetically explained scratching behind his ear.

The white male picked himself up from the ground and dusted off his butt. First he’d met the Angela Naniko and now Anathema’s healer known as the Furcas.

She was obviously very good at what she did; she was quick to provide attention, kind and considerate. The only issue was that he didn’t know the healer’s

name. “My name is Mido, I’m new here. I don’t wish to address you as the Furcas, do you have a name I can call you by?” He asked extending one of

his brown colored arms to greet her.


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