[M]Hi, my name is Hellguh
ooc: it's an awesome table man. +5

The man agreed to her suggestion of another game. She grew excited and she couldn't wait til this game was over so that they could play her dirty little games. Her tail wagged at the thought of what was going to happen between the two. She was glad she could find a sexy man within the pack whom would take her sexually, whom did not think that perhaps she was too young. She didn't think she was too young. She was never too young for the adult games that apparently everyone else was allowed to play but her. Now was her chance to play with someone besides her golden serpent slave that she had been practicing with.

She had been excited for the male's name, which was a first for her, but since their game was one of questions, then she had built up excitement for all the answers for her questions that were popping into her mind at the moment. She cocked a smile at the male still, and he answered with his name and that she had potential. She was glad she didn't completely suck at this skill, and that the male giving her those knives was not going to go to waste. She nodded her head. ”That's a handsome name, Mister Itzal.” she commented as she would watch him point to a spiderweb and then tell her that he was going to get the middle of it. When he was positioning himself, she watched his body closely, so she could mimic his movements when it was her turn again. Of course, he threw the knife and hit his target on the first try, which left the woman with a slack jaw for a moment before he had turned to her and asked her the same question that she had asked to him moments before.

She wagged her tail again, the smooth and fluffy tail brushing against her rump as she closed her jaw, gave the male a shy glance, and a bat of her eyelashes. My name is Princess Esmeralda Acidic. she spoke, her voice sweet and innocent for about the third time within the moments they had been talking. She then looked to the two blades she had left on the ground. She would also look around for a new target, one she could possibly get on the first try. She found herself a big oak leaf that would work fine for her. ”See that orange and green leaf right there? I'm gonna get that, probably on the right side.” she spoke and pointed at the leaf before she picked up the knife by the handle, and she had mimicked the same stance that the male had when he was throwing his knife. She aimed and then threw the knife at the tree, and it stuck, on the right side of the leaf like she had said. She grinned and then looked back at the male. ”What do you think of me, Itzal?” his name rolled off of her tongue wrapped in a layer of seduction that she couldn't help but put out there for him to taste.



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