Random Question
There's an old discussion on this here, but it's oooold!

Quote:I played a semi-colorblind character (Ahren de le Poer), but his colorblindness was due to trauma and not genetic. And, according to WikiAnswers

Quote:Dogs are not color blind - they see color, but their chromatic acuity is significantly less than humans'. This is for two reasons: (1) dogs have far fewer cone cells in their retina (cone cells are responsible for seeing color); and (2) dogs are dichromatic (they see only two primary colors - blue and yellow) whereas humans are trichromatic, meaning we see three primary colors - red, blue, and yellow.

Humans have 7 times higher proportion of cone cells than dogs, meaning that when dogs do see colors, they are pale or faded. However dogs have a much higher concentration of rod cells, responsible for seeing black-and-white, and also much more sensitive in lower light conditions. For that reason, dogs have much better night vision than people.

So... naturally, dogs/wolves do see some amounts of color, but it's different from and not quite as pronounced/brilliantly colored as human vision.

Buuuut for purposes of roleplay, it's fine to just describe everything in the colors you see 'em. No need to alter your descriptions or even your character's descriptive speech of things -- we're not sticklers to the point that we point out Luperci making mention of the color red, imo. ^^

edit; kiri y u make me shadowpost

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