Finding the Artists [joining]
Leigha appreciated Rory for helping her out. Skye , the pack's leader, was very confident and dominant. But she didn't seem the type to be hostile in any way. At least that's what Leigha thought. She had hoped Skye liked her. The information Rory had give the leader made Leigha's hopes rise. All she could do was wait and think about how wonderful it would be if she got to sing in front of, who knows how many wolves, showing them her talent.

And how she would love acting. Even though everyone in her old pack told her how much of an incredible and beautiful wolf she was, she never believed them. How could she be that perfect? She loved pretending to be someone else when she acted. In fact, she thought it brought out a better side of her. A more expressive side that not only showed her talent and skill, but her personality as well. She snapped out of her almost impenetrable train of thought as her Welsh cob, Archie, shuffled and snapped a twig that had broken off of the large tree and fallen onto the ground. She looked back and forth from Skye to Rory, hoping someone would say something, anything.

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