Puppy questions?
300 words is fine. We're just concerned with posts that are consistently 100-180 words and thereabouts. If you consistently make short posts that are mostly choppy dialogue, it won't reflect too well because we'll look at that and think you're just churning out posts. (Where's the soul?!)

And I'm not sure what you're asking in your second paragraph, sorry. If you request 3 from Tammi and 1 from James and the 'SA says Tammi can have 1 and James can have 2, then there's no penalty -- you just have the puppy points re-allocated that way. If you choose, you can instead ask to have fewer, eg: James provides 1 and Tammi provides 1. But if we look at the numbers and think one parent was more active than you guys thought, then we'll let you know. You then respond to that and tell what what your concrete plan is and we approve that.

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