burn the land and boil the sea
-Kiri thread thief!-

Things were only growing more complicated as time passed on, much more than he had ever expected. Pups, people losing their minds and committing unspeakable acts. Attacks and fights and missing members. It was almost to much. The thought of those waiting back in Twilight Vale for him were what kept the young Leader going though. They were all the reason that he needed to try and never give up. Wrapped in bandages from chest to stomach, the young hybrid made his way quietly through the trees, weaving his way in and out as he went. He was on two legs as he went along, finding it far more painful to walk on three with broken ribs.

It wasn't until he made his way more toward the ocean that the realization hit him, a familiar scent that hadn't graced his nose since before the fire. Moving away from the inner parts of the forest, Conri followed the scent to the very edge, where he found what he thought might be a ghost. "You're alive." It was a simple statement, though the young Leader couldn't hide the surprise that came with his voice. Why would Conri be surprised? It was simple, he had always looked up to Laruku, always thought that the older male would be there when people needed him, so why hadn't he sought out his Clouded Tears family to make sure they were okay? Conri didn't know what more to say.


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