Friendship fight

OOC: Mido is in Lupus form.

Mido had been lying atop a messy pile of furs in his den, which

was still relatively empty. He was bored with nothing to do

staring out the entrance of his den, when he saw a white wolf walk

by looking in. That wasn’t the Angela Naniko he saw, this wolf

that passed had black tipped ears, tail and paws. What made him

curious was that the passerby looked as if they were looking for

something, were they? Jolting up from the floor he went to go meet

up with the white female.

Making the turn out of his den in a hurry to follow her Mido

almost fell. He wondered to himself why he was in such a hurry.

She did not look as though she was in any kind of rush to go

anywhere. As he trotted up behind the female he could see her

shoulder blades shift and her hips sway as she walked. He really

didn’t know what she was doing; she just seemed to be walking and

wandering around, not like there needed to be a point to it.
“Hey there. My name is Mido, would you mind if asked what’s

He called to her.


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