Exploration of the Manor
Sorry for the wait on this.

The sable female took another deep breath of the fresh clear air, looking left and right around the lands, being able to see a fair distance from the vantage point of the wooden porch. The male spoke and she smiled, he seemed to be a rather intelligent fellow, she nodded her dark head as he spoke, a small chuckle escaping her lips.
Ah yes, I do see your point, shall we go this way then? I can show you my personal favourite area of the lands and then we can go from here. The female replied, pointing north, towards cottontail valley, it was indeed one of the female's most favoured places, she often spent a long time there, in the summer it was filled with flowers of all different colours. Many of the summer time flowers had died off by now though, the autumn was approaching quickly and the petals had begun to fall. The tall female began to walk towards the lush area, she was hoping that the male would appreciate it as much as she did, even though the flowers had begun to die the area was still lush and vibrant, filled with many slow fat rabbits that provided a good source of prey. The sable male would most likely enjoy the good hunting there, just as she did, it was the first place that she had encountered her granddaughter again, a smile touched her lips as she thought of the bronze girl, she was an artistic soul, filled with many brilliant ideas and a great talent, their relationship was still rocky, but it was slowly getting back to how it had been before the older female had left the lands, she had missed so much of her granddaughter's life, she did not blame the girl for feeling nothing towards her, but it seemed that they were beginning to rebuild a friendship once again. She was pleased that she had returned home, they walked towards the lands, making sure to keep in step with the larger male. She smiled at him, stepping along side him, he then asked how many other wolves were living in the lands. The sable female paused for a moment, thinking hard on the question, she had not met many of the newer pack mates, but she did of course know that they lived here, she had caught their scents many a time as she walked through the lands.

I believe that there are over twenty of us now, we are quite a large pack, filled with many different wolves, a lot of them are related to our Consul, she and her sister have had a few litters and are both mated to wolves who live here. In fact two of Savina's daughters have taken on the roles of our pack healers. They are a very pleasant group. She paused to smile, thinking of her pack mates, her family. Although she had never met Savina's daughters she was already fond of one of them, young Cambria, she had stolen her granddaughter's heart and the ebony Patrician was very keen to meet her, she was a wonderful girl from the sound of it.
We have had a great number of newcomers in the past few weeks though, I am not sure why, though I am rather pleased about it, with the current unrest we need all the numbers that we can get, as many allies as possible. The sable female added, looking at the male as she spoke, wondering if he knew of the trouble that had been happening recently, wondering if the male knew that the pack was now at war.
Where did you live before you came here then Kota? Was it a long journey? The female asked, wanting to know more about the male who was now her new pack mate.

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WC: 639
Table by the fabulous Alli


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