Friendship fight
The male hadn't been a member for long probably making him a zepar. Fara walked over to male now sitting in the middle of the hall. He seemed to be nice and didn't know many people. She stared at him awkwardly, waiting for an answer to pop into her mind. Nothing came. "Mido right, I'm sorry for snooping, just save the insults please." Although he had not insulted her she felt the need to spare him the trouble, she had been hurt enough.

Or maybe this one was being genuine, that would be a first. "I hope you don't mind me asking but are you a luperci." Fara couldn't help asking, it was the only way they could be friends. Only a non luperci would understand what it was like being alone. "Never mind you don't need to answer that ,it's... stupid just never mind."Why did she have to ask everyone that, stupid, stupid, stupid question.

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