[J]oining Blind
Blind relaxed at the woman’s words and eventually lifted her head to meet her gaze. The smile on Soran’s face tugged a sheepish smile across Blind’s own lips, the relief of not having to lean on her leg anymore flooding her hind-quarters.

“No offense was taken, Soran,” Blind said. “I understand that war might be stressful, at the very least.”
Wondering what might provoke such feelings in another creature to lead them to kidnapping, Blind felt remorse for Soran’s losses. “I can’t imagine what it might be like having to live in worry that your friends and family might be taken right out from under your snout,” she said, looking at her paws sadly.

The young she-wolf’s nerves suddenly climbed again at the thought of having to endure a second meeting, not to mention waiting in the rain. Blind hated the feeling of wet, matted fur, and the way the cold made her hip ache. But she had to endure if she didn’t want to spend another night without shelter.

Blind mulled over the rest of the she-wolf’s words in her mind, and then, like a confused pup tilted her head to one side. “Luperci,” she repeated. She remembered the stories her mother used to tell her about the wolves who could stand on two legs, and how intrigued she had been by this concept. Every so often, when her mother wasn’t looking, Blind would try to stand on her hind legs. After many bruises and sprained ankles, however, she was convinced that walking like a human was not a talent she possessed.

Blind chuckled at the memories. “No, I am a wolf through and through. One of my hind legs is shorter than the other, making it difficult for me to even walk on my fours at times because of the pain in my offset hip. This also makes it hard for me to hunt large or slippery game like elk and fish.”

Blind’s ears flattened again, though only slightly, due to her embarrassment. They then perked right up again, her tail wagging proudly, as she said, “But I can hunt rabbit pretty well! I love the way they taste, so sometimes I ignore the pain just to catch one.”

Crouching low to the ground in a stalking position, Blind licked her lips hungrily, her tail wagging madly now. She then looked up at Soran, her tail slowing to a lazy flop as she silently hoped that she would find this as exciting as Blind did.

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