[J]oining Blind
A look of surprise took over Blind’s face. “You’re a grandmother?” she asked, her eyes wide. She then realized how awful her question sounded and she quickly added, “I mean, you seemed as though you couldn’t be much older than my own mother.”

Blind looked the sable female over, still unconvinced. And, noticing the large scar that adorned her face, she wondered if she might hear the story behind it someday.

Taking in Soran’s words, Blind thought about what it might be like to walk and use her paws for more than just digging or catching prey; it would be interesting, if nothing else. But Blind wondered if, for some reason, she didn’t like being Luperci, she might be stuck that way.

“Maybe you can tell me more about being Luperci and then I can decide?” Blind offered. The thought of Soran’s lessons made Blind wonder what she looked like in her shifted form.

Blind then thought about her leg; there was no telling what the change might do to it. On the one hand, it could make life a lot easier. On the other, it could cause even more pain than she had to deal with now. She shuddered at the thought of being crippled even further.

When Soran lowered to the ground to match Blind’s moves, a goofy grin spread across her dark muzzle. She yipped playfully and wagged her tail again, trying to suppress her childish urge to pounce. Deprived of the chance to mock-fight with her siblings, she wondered if she might have been more skilled at fighting if she had learned. But this was an adult – who seemed to approve of her, for that matter – and she wasn’t about to ruin her impression.

The question of other talents pulled Blind into a pensive, sitting position. All she had really ever needed to know how to do was hunt and, on occasion, swim. She rifled through every memory she could recall, trying to withdraw an instance where a hidden skill had revealed itself. Blind’s eyes suddenly brightened as she began to recount a day at the lake when her mother was particularly upset, and Blind had been able to calm her.

“So, I guess you could say I have some counseling experience of sorts,” Blind concluded. “My mom always told me I was smarter than most wolves my age.”

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