I want my life

His fur bristled as he looked at his brother. The scent on him was so foreign and the stench of coyotes covered him too. As his anger began to roll into a boil Alder looked at him with skepticism. The smaller wolf's question seemed ridiculous, and the answer was obvious. The Optime figure dismounted Hawthorn and he stepped close to his brother as he bellowed his answer. Mother, she's gone! He spoke as if his brother didn't know, perhaps he didn't. Alder wasn't sure what he would be happier with. That Cypress had been gone and had not known that she was a captive of the tribe or that he knew and left anyways. Both were desertion in his eyes. Where were you?! He questioned, looking at the same blue eyes he held.

Alder didn't know what the scent was that lingered over his brother, Crimson Dreams was still there but it was a mere hint among the coyote smell. Had he moved to another pack? Alder grew even more angry, with his brother as well as himself. They had left her defenseless? But he had trusted his brothers, trusted that they would protect and care for her while he lived in the Court. She had sent him away and he left knowing that two pillars, one red and one molted black and brown, stood beside her. Alder growled, the feeling of rage that filled him the night before returning. If he was another wolf, or perhaps in his four legged form he would have turned the wayward brother onto his back. Forced him to expose his belly and show his shame for disappearing in the pack's time of need. But Alder steeled himself, the black Shire behind him scraping a hoof across the ground and naying in agitation.


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