I want my life
pre-plotted pp!

Alder had no desire to hurt his brother, but their points were meaningless with out winning the battle for dominance. His body was simply heavier, and when the balance was tipped it was in his favor. But he believed it was what was right and honest. This was not his home, nor his land but his point was what was right. When the time came Alder had been here to fight and fight he did. Cypress took to his paws in flight. As he hadn't cared the night before, Alder didn't care if the pack came to his rescue for this would be his single win against the harder minded wolf. A single tip of the scale in his mother's name.

The ground came quickly, and Alder pinned the smaller beast against it. Eyes were narrow slits, defending against the snapping jaws as well as angry and hate filled. He growled as he glanced at the wolfs face and then quickly brought his teeth towards his face. Paws held limbs and body mass and a knee applied pressure to keep his brother down and another foot-paw clung to the grass to keep himself steady. He waited, teeth clenched and lips showing their white, for his brother's form to go limp. He wouldn't be able to run from this, not now.

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