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How was Aeron saying this? For a second rage filled her mind, then bitterness, then sadness. The whole spectrum blasted through her mind as she sat quietly with her hand resting on her stomach. 'Aeron' she said, her voice rock hard and almost frightening. ad she really meant it to sound like that? 'Do. Not. Ever! Say! That!' her raised words where chocked with sobs. 'I love you. Okay?' her voice was glass sharp, anger clear in her voice. 'It... Offends me that you think like this. After all we've been through'. She sighed, caressing her flat stomach carefully even though her attitude said other wise. 'Right no, these are the most important thing to me. Above Leon, above Sarajevo, Aslan, Analise, Galileo. All of you'. She paused lowering her head to obstruct the tears. 'Just deal with me like this for a while and I swear it will be better'.

She calmed her ranting. Io whiped her tears away and rested her head on Aeron's shoulder, 'I doubt it will even be worth it. They usually die...' At least she had her other children. Sarajevo, Aslan and Analise had all become sacred to her, as much as her own family. But her newest children were more important than any of the for the time being.

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