M- New Generation

rambly and dire post ahead. BEWARRRE!!

Io sighed, as excited as she was it was more for the goal than the journey. Although being with Leon was an upside it was no where near as sacred as being with her true mate. The tall Spaniard would always be her bit on the side. She sighed, leaning back and positioning herself to Leon's advantage she spoke, 'Just do it' and with that she closed her eyes and waited.

Was she really doing this? It sounded insane to her but still she opened herself up to him to get what she wanted. Aeron wouldn't be anywhere as accepting of this part than she was but each to their own. This was a minor perk to Io. She would have prefered it if Aeron was a male and there fore able to do this herself. But such things were impossible and not even worth dreaming about. Leon would have to do and to be honest she could have pick worse. She calmed herself before the act, but then spoke again, 'And, do the job properly. If you do not I can just get you to do it again'. Her words were orderly and strict.'I will not mind'.

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