M- New Generation

OOC here!

She held her breath as he readied himself, waiting for the single movement that would single the start. She was thankful for his help, she truly was. And so with closed eyes she tried to think of a male she cared about. But it was hard, she had a tectonic relationship with most men and any she truly cared about would be disgusting to think about in that was as the list only included her sons and her brother. So instead she though about Leon, after all it was the truth. And he was the only male she cared about enough to use them as an example.

She let out a lone groan as her entered her. Tensing up without prompt as his slow movements started. He was sensible starting slow first, he was amoung the largest she had slept with and it took her a moment to get used to it, but after a few moments everything felt comfortable. He was the largest in a long while, and Io was thankful of this. It was unordinary for her and it was a rare treat to find a real man. She starte to move with him slowly, anything to help it along quicker so she could be with Aeron.

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