M- New Generation
It would have been a lot easier on him had she simply stayed still at least then he could have perhaps pretended that it was Amy beneath him instead of the russet and white temptress but as it stood he was failing miserably at the task, his idea shot to pieces the moment the moan came from her lips and her body moved against his, his resistance lost to her storm grey gaze that was hidden from him. His breath quickened, fueling the heat that rose within, and his length hardened even more with the lustful feelings that rose within, now he fully settled himself into her, the tip of him brushing against her cervix.

Powerful back muscles bulged and rippled as he pulled back faster than he had pressed in and despite himself, a growl rumbled from his chest. He pushed forwards again, more force and speed behind it, hearing no complains from the red and white woman. Ivory eyes snapped open and burned their gaze down onto the furs that they laid on. Hands clenched tightly in the soft animal pelts, so that he did not slip and bring his entire weight down upon her. His breath left his maw, ragged and uneven, panting now from the effort to go slower until he was sure she could take him all.

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