Ferrari was just about to run to the powder again when she heard her fathers sharp voice making her flinch as she came up to him. Ferrari let her tail droop and kept her eyes low as she and Iskander walked up to their father, covered in powder. "What have we talk you? he asked as Iskander wagged his tail. "It was Ferrari idea Da. She say play Iskander play. Her fault. Iskander knows not to play in Mama's things," he said quick to rat Ferrari out. Her normally chocolate fur was a light brown white color because unlike Iskander who had just sat there for most the time, she had been playing in the spilt powder. "Help me clean this up.... did you two eat any of this? she heard her Da say in the lowest of tones. He was mad at her she knew but she wasn't going to lie to him.

"I tried some of it Da. Pawder no taste good. What is it Da? she asked shaking out her fur and causing a dust cloud of it to go into the air. It was making her body itch and her paws itch and she sat down and started to nibble at the spots that itched the most. "I itch Da. I don't like it." she whined at him. She whimpered and went over to her father and rubbed against him, trying to relieve the itching.

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