All the things you didn't know

Haku will post after me and then you guys can post again. 831 words XD
The Rosea waited patiently perched on her rock, regal and serene. One by one the members began to file in, Windseeker, Firefly, Slay, Hanna and Mew. She greeted them all with a polite nod and a cheery smile (and to Slay, a reassuring glance that all was well), yet not addressing any of them personally, not yet. As she was preparing to start the last one showed himself, a male, and one she had yet to meet. By the look he gave Mew it seemed that the ivory female with the emerald eyes had accepted him, and Cer smiled to herself, satisfied. The pack was growing, and with the addition of Haku and this new male, the gender ratio was evening out, both of which were positive signs. Navy eyes peered about at the assembled members once more, half shifted into their luperci form and the other half, like herself, plain wolves, and then she cleared her throat, they had a lot of information to cover, but she didn’t want to keep them all day.
"Thank you all for arriving so quickly, I have quite a bit to go over today, but I will try to be quick about it." Her warm voice flowed over them, confident and friendly, and yet inside she was a little nervous. It was one thing to be pals with her pack members one on one, it was another to stand before them like the leader she was suppose to be. This was suppose to be Colibri’s job, she was suppose to be the glue that held them together and Cer was suppose to be the right hand man. "As you can see, we’ve grown in numbers some, and I feel that a pack must know it’s own members, so if you’d all please, take a quick second to introduce yourselves to those you have yet to meet, for those who I have not accepted personally and not yet met, my name is Cercelee, and you’ve probably guessed, but I am your Rosea, or alpha if you wish to call me so." Really the only one who did not yet know her was the new male, accepted by Mew, but she spoke her rank out loud for the benefit of those who probably did not know what Rosea meant. They would have to get use to the silly rank titles.
"I’d also like to point out two promotions in our ranks, Slay and Windseeker." Navy eyes turned to them as she spoke. “Slay is now at the rank of Circèe, which means that he can now accept newcomers at the borders and invite others to stay in our pack, while Windseeker holds the rank of Bluet, which means that if she wishes she may now choose a co-rank. Those of you new to the pack, Filixs, will find yourselves at these ranks one day, so I just wanted you to know what these ranks meant in terms of responsibilities and privileges.” Cer paused a moment, she felt silly standing before them all, lecturing, but they hadn’t even gotten to the meat and potatoes of the meeting yet. Meet and greet was well and good but there were more important issues that had to be addressed.
“While some of you may have heard rumors, and some of you are too new to know what is going on, I feel it’s only fair to keep you all informed of the going ons in the pack. Many of you have caught wind of the fact that Inferni has decided to wage war on us. Haku, having been involve in this since the beginning can tell you more of that,” Cer glanced at Haku and then back to the pack. “However, for now you have no reason to fear them as I believe the clan is just watching and waiting for now, but I do caution you to be a little more alert when straying near their territory.” Cer paused to take another breath, she hated having only negative news to give them, but she wanted to be completely honest with them. “Colibri, who for those of you who never met her was our other Rosea, has chosen to leave the pack, leaving me alone to lead. However, her son Haku has joined us, and as I do not wish to lead alone, especially at a time like this with the pack being so new and Inferni on our heels I have made him the new Lilium, or beta. If any of you have any questions or concerns about any of what I have spoken, please do no hesitate to speak out, this meeting is not for me to lecture at you, but so that all of us can voice what we feel is important.” Cercelee let out a sigh and glanced around at them all again, having said her part, she looked to Haku, wondering what he would add.


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