herp derp its a crap post. sorry i am kinda out of it
At the words fight Ferrari was out of the water and sitting in front of her Da soaking wet but happy, her cream and chocolate tail wagging playfully. She wanted to be like her Da, all strong and fierce and protective. She couldn't wait to walk on two legs but her Da always told her she was too young to shift yet. "Teach me how to fight Da. I wanna protect Mama! she said happily before standing and shaking herself out and messing up her coat. She was ready for what ever her Da had to teach her and she hoped later that he would take her to see the horsies like she wanted to. She liked the horsies.

"Is Mama going to watch us? I like it when Mama watches us. She makes me feel happy and encour....
supports me,"
she said softly looking up at the hulkin form of her father. He was in his optime form and Ferrari had to crane her neck to look up at him. His face was stoic and if Ferrari hadn't seen the smile in his eyes she would have thought him mad at her.

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