friend in need
Iskata sighed as Deuce gave her the information that she'd already thought she'd known. She shook her head and gazed at Deuce before pipping up. "It was Jasper's father that attacked you.. Ahren and I..." she paused a moment before finishing the words. "We have our past.." her eyes were stormy as she remembed just what their past looked like and how it had developed into an even darker image as it had flooded on over onto his older son Gabriel. She frowned softly as she threw the thoughts away. "Nevermind.. the youth are always confused when it comes to lust and wanting.." she could preach it because she'd once lived it, after all the righting and hatred that had boiled between Ahren and herself it had been the blonde man himself that she'd wanted when crazed with lust, though that had fallen though, though not as worse as Deuce's had. The men that perfered boys and the boys that perfered men could be such emotional dramawhores when it just came down to it.

The sudden downfall of the ideas that Deuce had passed along had upset her, but not enough that she wouldn't consider the idea, it was just too much for her at this time. When the soft touch of the other female settled lightly on her leg she raised her eyes up to Deuce and spoke quietly. "It does seem fitting, I don't want to be reminded of the used to be past that I've lost.. Not the ones that had the makings of my happy ending, but the concept is lovely, to build from the ashes, a new and better future. It's a grand idea.. though with sad memories lurking. What's in a name really... it's symbolic, but only we would know the real meaning to it, as time passes on they'd just know it as home." she smiled sadly, she could live with his name looming over their lands forever, though she knew it would be the grain of salt in her life. She shook her head and closed her eyes, trying to look to the brighter side.

After a few strained moments of silence she opened her eyes once more and admitted. "It's a lovely name Deuce, if we can find enough to band together.. if they like it too it would be fitting." She looked into the eyes of the other, hoping she could understand that the pain was worth it if they could weather the storm and become something more than they were now.

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