Little [p]aws; big adventures

Sorry for the wait on this, it's been a hectic few weeks and Robin kind of slipped a little whith getting my tertiary charrie up and running, back focused on her now though Smile WC: 1070

The little patchwork girl was pleased that Anann nudged her back in the same affectionate manner, it suggested that she was not too sad after all, the little female could not help but want her to be happy, she wanted everyone in the pack to be happy, she didn't like the idea of any of them being miserable or feeling alone. She hoped that her head bumps were giving the larger wolf some comfort, they always helped Robin when she was sad, her brother would always cheer her up with a head bump, not that the young Aatte girl was ever that upset, it was a rare thing to see the small wolf in any state other than cheerful and bouncy. Small brown ears turned to listen to the female's words, looking up at the larger female with large blue eyes. She nodded as the female said that it was all over now and that was all that mattered, this the small female understood, there seemed to be many things that happened to the other pack wolves that they wanted to forget, to keep in the past, even her father had things like that, when her sable great grandmother had turned up near the borders her father had been cagey with her, he had seemed to want to keep her in the past, something had happened in her father's family it seemed, she did not know what it was, only that he did not want to be like her grandfather. The little female did not blame Anann for wanting to blot the time she had spent imprisoned from her mind, the small girl could not imagine what it must have been like, it must have been awful for the larger female. Her tail wagged a little as the female said that she was sure that she could have helped her had she been there, it made Robin glad to think that someone else saw her as a potential hero, she was certain that she would be a great one one day, when she was big enough, at the moment she was perhaps a little too small to try and be a hero in a story, well at least in a real story, after all imaginary pirates and dragons could always be vanquished, so they were no real danger to the little patchwork girl.
"I wish that I could have helped you Miss Anann, I do not like to think of you locked up, if you want I can come and stay with you if you're lonelyor scared of being on your own? I do that when Fee is scared, there's a monster under the stairs you see, I sleep reaaally close to Fee so that it wont get her and then I chase it away if it seems to be getting too close. If you'd like I can do the same for you? If you are scared I promise I wont tell anyone." The small female offered, looking up at the female with wide eyes, smiling as the female smiled, glad of the head bump and the lick she recieved, she was certain that she was feeling a little better.

It was true that she slept close to Felicity, her younger sister was indeed a princess, being exceptionally girly and scared of the moster under the stairs. Robin was her protector, it was her job to scare away the monster under the stairs, a job which she took seriously, someone had to look after her little sister after all, Linden helped Robin of course, he was an excellent side kick, though recently he had been trying to become the hero of the stories; the patchwork girl was not liking that at all, it had often resulted in squabbles, which were usually quickly resolved as the girl was a far louder and more effective nagger than her brother. The little female looked up at Rem as Anann spoke, her eyes wide as she looked at him, she had had no idea that horses could live so long, he was ten years old?! That must have been the Luperci equivalent of eleven hundred and seventy, she had no idea that horses could live that long. They could get to be two or three times the age of a wolf, that was really rather impressive in the small girl's eyes.
"Wow, I had no idea that horses could live that long. Do all horses live that long? Or is it just some types of horses? Are there different types of horses? Because my horsey doesn't look like Rem." The patchwork girl asked, many questions escaping her mouth at once, when something had piqued her curiousity she needed to know everything about it as quickly as possible, she could not help it, it was simply in her inquisitive nature. Anann explained that balance was important for riding and the small girl nodded, she supposed that it must require some balance, she was not quite used to balancing when she was walking in her Optime form, perhaps it was for the best that her Daddy had told her to wait before she attempted riding. She smiled at the larger wolf again.
"I suppose that is true, I am not very good at walking yet, Daddy had to rescue me when I first shifted, I fell over and couldn't get back up again, nothing seemed to want to work and my feet are too bog for my legs when I am in the other form. Were you like that when you were young, Daddy said that he suspected that everyone was like that, so were you?" The patchwork girl asked, her tail wagging again as the conversation then turned to the pale mare that she had gotten so fond of, she nodded as Anann said that she seemed quite fond of her.
"I think that she likes me, she always sticks her head over the door to say hello to me whenever I come past, I am not sure of a name yet, I was thinking of something from my Robin Hood book. Perhaps Scarlett, he was Robin Hood's good friend, I thought about calling her Marian, but she always got captured and I don't think that she would end up being captured, what do you think?" The young female asked the larger fae, she liked the older wolf and would like to know her opinion.

Table by Marie Lyrics and image copyright disney

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