the wind at my heels
Wide eyes open, to find the sun looking straight back at him. Then realized the immediate apology from above. There was a horse far taller then Shadow, from what it looked like a human. Then Shadow realized that humans where instinct but was he dreaming now. Shadow has never seen a wolf like this one riding a horse. He never thought a horse was able to ride. From the point of the sun he could tell he completely over slept, it was about two o'clock. Shadow in the past has done a bunch of reading about the human time keeping, from the books and clocks they left behind. Shadow rose to his feet.

"Its fine don't worry about it. It was about time I got up anyhow. I don't see many wolves riding horses, well in all reality never seen one to begin with, But anyways I have been tracking a sent. It was vibrant before the sent dispersed here. I am guessing the rain we had removed it. Maybe you can help?"

The scenario was nice but even then there was that lost of hope on his face. Shadow has been searching for his little sister for months but only following a scent that is now lost.

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