burn the land and boil the sea
His mind wrapped around the words offered to him, however shocking they were, and as hard as he tried his mind couldn't generate anything for his mouth to relay. Everyone made mistakes, right? It was true, but some mistakes were unforgivable. Brows furrowed and ears flattened, fighting with himself on what to think or say. Did this make Laruku just like the very thing that he hated? Just like the coyotes that Conri was so ready to go up in arms against? Finally, shaking his head, he turned his eyes back to Laruku again. "Then I guess you have to live with it.." But he was sure the older male already knew that. It was obvious to him, rather suddenly, that he was still nothing like anyone in Inferni. He actually cared about the bad that he had done, but it still didn't change the fact that he had done it.

Signing, Conri shook his head once more. "But we don't outnumber them.." He finally admitted, no matter how much he didn't want to. "Three pups no more than three months old, two more that might as well be pups.." Because they were all still so young. "And me.." It was spoken quietly, sadly. "I can't protect them Laruku.." It was the sad truth. He couldn't even hold his own against one of them, how was he supposed to protect his family from all of them? "One of the other packs is already at war with them, but I can't support them.." He wanted so badly to be able to explain it but there was so little that he really knew about what had happened.

"It's just a big mess.." A new mess, even, and he was already tired of it. "Attacking and killing and raping each other.. I don't want to get them twisted up in all of that.." And at that moment, he hoped, Laruku might see why exactly Conri felt like he needed him.


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