Sorry mommy
A white female approached, and for a moment he was afraid it was Gemma, the woman of his long ago one night stand. And then he noticed the feathers woven into her short shoulder length mane, and the absence of the clothing Gemma had worn (and shortly removed.) He stood, absently adjusting his jeans. His ears fell back slightly, then perked again as she spoke, complimenting his song. "Thanks. My mom taught it to me a long time ago. I know a lot of the older Irish songs. I'm Taliesin, and this is Cercatori D'Art." A thought occurred to him, and his bi-colored gaze sharpened. "But then... you already knew that didn't you?" It wasn't a cold or cruel accusation, but a gentle question. She seemed to know where she was going. Was this the stranger that had been meeting with Liam? A thought occurred to him out of the blue, and he watched her while pondering it.

It had been a while since he'd seen his mate. Almost a month, in fact. He knew his impetuous love, she would want to do something to help solve this situation. He ran his fingers through his short messy mane, his eyes not leaving the pale female. He'd ask this girl in a little bit, but let her answer his questions first before bombarding her with more. His hands found their way to his back pocket, where they stayed as he waited to hear from the female.

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