burn the land and boil the sea

You could run away, he suggested quietly. Take everyone and find somewhere else, far from here. When fighting could only end in an inevitable loss and when you were unwilling to sacrifice principle for safety, then what else was there really to do? Integrity and pride were costly things to keep sometimes. It wouldn't be cowardly. I'm not sure that Inferni would ever give into reason. It was the pessimist in him speaking perhaps, but from what Laruku knew of Gabriel, if he thought he was right, then there was no stopping him from anything. You have to decide what's most important to you in the end It wasn't something the coyotewolf could tell him. He probably didn't know what he would do in such a situation.

It could very well be the other packs' fight though. If Inferni went after you for a flimsy reason, then it's easy to conclude that they could do so to anyone else in the future. Maybe in the end, it was Gabriel's ultimate plan to rid the area of wolves entirely. It wouldn't be unlike him. It wouldn't be unlike his mother. I don't know, Laruku told him, I don't have the answers to anything.


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