A bored afternoon

Your english is quite good. If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't suspect that it wasn't your first language. =) My reply here is a little shorter, but we can go long or short, whatever works.

Skoll hadn't picked up on the new male's scent as quickly as the new male had picked up his; the wind hadn't been in his favor. Nevertheless, his keen senses alerted him a short time before the black wolf emerged from the pines. He didn't feel threatened himself, the seven-year old was shifted into his eight-foot-tall wereform, and armed with claws, fangs, his dagger and axe in the pack hanging from his hip, and extensive combat experience and training. While he certainly wouldn't start a fight in his condition, he would be far from easy prey. Even so...more than any of that, it was the fact that the male didn't come in tensed for a fight that set him at ease.

He didn't know that the other male was a fighter like him, though he could tell by scent and appearance that they were close to the same age. It wasn't obvious that Skoll had weapons with him, but the myriad scars across his body wrote his history in such a way that his own profession was clear for all to see. His new wounds were wrapped up, but he didn't know yet if they were going to scar or not, adding to the grisly collection that had accumulated on his skin. It was heaviest on his face, back, and arms, though smaller marks could be found scattered about his legs, and a few brutal scars had been left on his chest. The yellow wolf turned his amber eyes to the newcomer as he appeared, nodding his head in mutual greeting.

"Good afternoon," he replied, studying the curious wolf, who was one of the rare few older than three or four in these parts. "I'm Skoll. Is there something I can help you with?" He'd keep it casual for now, friendly. Maybe this wolf was looking for directions, or just eager to meet a face; he could oblige either of those desires easily enough.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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